My bookshelf

My Bookshelf (Most current read on the left)

Musing- Just finished: Passion by Lauren Kate

So last week I was musing over this series and how it reminds me so much of the Twilight series.  I was telling someone about the books and realized that I wasn't really that interested in them, I was more finishing them because once I get into a series, I HAVE to know how it ends.  This isn't the last book in the series (that one comes out in June I think) but it was by far the most interesting book of the series.  It's a total divergence from the romance and feel that it mimicked from the Twilight series and diverged into something more interesting, albeit a little convoluted. 

I finished it in about a day.  Something about it made me have to read it, and that quickly. 

Now, however, I'm stuck waiting until June to find out how it all ends.  Darnit, this is why I don't normally read series until they've all been published.

Oh well.  Off to find something new for my shelf.

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